The Wikipedia took some heat today. Slashdot (at 4:40 am) reported that BoingBoing reported that viral marketers from the BBC had entered information concerning a new online reality game. I picked up the story from two other sources, Kairosnews and the Search Engine Journal.
It is really deplorable that the BBC would stoop to these lows, but with as wide open as the Wikipedia is, it is not surprising that this doesn't happen more often. The Wikipedia band of editors does a pretty good job of keeping track of most types of vandalism. A viral marketing campaign for an actual reality game would be pretty hard for the editors to pick up.
On a much brighter note, Sequenza21/ reported that the WikiMedia Foundation, who bring you the Wikipedia, may be creating an "online repository of classical music performed by student orchestras." Sounds like a very worthwhile project to me, and another nice project for a wiki.