I know I once blogged that I would never join a group that would have me as a member (paraphrase of Groucho Marx's famous line). I'm going to have to eat my words. I posted those thoughts after Pumacy Technologies, a German-based company included me in 50 KM blogs they 'researched' - and did so with what I thought was a limited plan/scope.
But I noticed that I was getting some hits on my page as a referral from Lucas McDonnell's knowledge connects people site. Back in February of this year, he posted 66 notable knowledge management sites - and it includes Why Knowledge Management. I'm grateful for the recognition - but even more so when I tracked back through history to find that Lucas initially started with a list of 26 KM sites, then after further review put together a list of 50 sites, before his more recent post, that include the 66. Mr. McDonnell appears to be keeping his eye on the ball.
It's a great post. What I liked about it was that I found on the list sites I expected to be there by either their creativity, thought-leadership, or shear prolificacy (yeah, it's a word even if Typepad and Firefox spell check doesn't like it). The post included the 5 - 10 sites that I try to follow (or at least visit most frequently). Yet even more meaningful was other sites that I was not aware of that I now have a certain level of confidence in have been seen by Lucas and added with some thought. I have a lot of reading ahead, and I hope he keeps up with regular postings.
Thanks for sharing the sites providing information about knowledge management....
Posted by: knowledge management | November 13, 2009 at 09:14 AM