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Jerry Ash

Hi Tom.

Thanks for spreading the word on Smart People magazine. We are all working like crazy to meet the April 15 deadline at [not active until April 15, 2009].

I think what's most interesting is that we marrying what Peter Drucker labeled the 'Knowledge Worker' in 1954 with the Net Generation identified in Don Tapscott's new book Grown Up Digital.

The result will be catalytic I think. And we've set up plenty of channels for interactive discussion on several of the major social networks including Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, Twitter, Xing and Ning.

We're looking at our prospective subscribers not as CONsumers, but PROsumers -- those who don't want to be sold, they want to be part of developing the product. Smart People magazine will, therefore, reflect the audience in both content and direction.

If I may, I'd like to urge all your friends to spread the word about Smart People among their friends. I think they'll thank you for it.

Jerry Ash
Smart People magazine
[email protected]


Jerry -

Thank you for coming by the blog.

I stopped by the web page today ( ) and while there is still a little more construction to do, I was able to download the first mag....WOW...a lot of content there, great - known - contributors. I can't wait to read it!

I love the concept behind the Smart People Magazine model, and will be working to get the word out.

See you there!


knowledge management

Knowledge management is a very much highlighted topic now a days....all the big industries are very much concerned about the knowledge management process in their firm.It was a informative session reading this post.

Outsourcing Philippines

Great information. I'm not familiar with Smart people magazine yet but this gives me information after reading.

Hope to see more updates on this site.

pediatric emr

Yeah, I love the concept behind the Smart People Magazine model too!



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